Unlock Actionable Data At a Glace

SurveySensum Dashboard and Reporting gives you a comprehensive view of all the aggregated data you want - the way you want it.

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500+ Companies
8 Million+ Surveys
40+ Countries
100+ Languages
Sales Conversion
Point Increase in NPS
Higher Response Rate

Identify the Crux of the Data with Strong Visual Survey Dashboards and Reports

Create and share role-based dashboards with real-time feedback from multiple surveys with just a few clicks

Email Surveys: Send and Embed Surveys Directly in Your Emails!

Share survey links in emails as interactive buttons, links, or embedding questions directly into your email body. Jazz up your signature with In-Signature Email Surveys, adding questions or survey links/buttons. Customize templates, making every detail uniquely yours, from subject line to logo. Personalize further by embedding the initial question, and effortlessly schedule or automate recurring surveys for a continuous pulse of insights.

Track Business Metrics and KPIs

Analyze key metrics and KPIs across any timeframe to pinpoint areas for improvement. Go beyond simple survey dashboards with journey-based reports, revealing the "why" behind every touchpoint and empowering informed decisions. Track key scores like NPS, CSAT, and CES weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly to pinpoint improvement areas and drive positive change across the customer journey.

Visualize Trends & Take Strategic Action

Visualize trends effortlessly through intuitive graphs, tracking how key metrics like NPS, CSAT, and CES evolve over time. Measure the impact of initiatives, track seasonal trends, and identify long-term shifts in customer sentiment. Explore how specific demographics, locations, or products perform over time, helping you adapt your strategies and ensure they stay relevant to your evolving customer base.

Unlock Insights at Every Level with Detailed Breakdown Analysis

Slice and dice your survey data by question, demographic, location, store, manager, product, and more. Understand individual question performance, uncover variations across groups, pinpoint regional strengths and weaknesses, and analyze product-specific sentiment. By examining responses at a granular level, you can identify precise areas for improvement, tailor strategies to diverse customer segments, and learn from high-performing areas.

Forget One-Size-Fits-All Dashboards with Role-Based Dashboard

Empower every team member with the insights they need through our customizable, role-based dashboards - from Dealership Managers receiving region-specific dashboards to all stakeholders gaining automatic survey reports. Dive deep into critical metrics and KPIs relevant to your specific role, across any timeframe. Sales can focus on conversion rates, customer service can monitor CSAT, and executives can track overall NPS progress – all on personalized dashboards. No more information overload, just actionable insights that drive results.

From What to Why: Identify Key Drivers with Text Analytics

Go beyond surface-level responses and identify the key drivers influencing customer satisfaction, employee engagement, or any other critical area. Analyze open-ended feedback, categorize themes, and link them to quantitative data for deeper understanding. And gain actionable insights enabling you to improve products, services, and experiences directly tailored to what truly matters to your audience.

Get Real-Time Insights As Responses Roll In

Stop waiting for outdated survey reports! Configure your dashboard in seconds and watch charts update live, revealing the latest trends instantly. Share instantly with colleagues across the organization, empowering everyone from the C-suite to the frontline with immediate access to actionable data.

Make Informed Decisions Powerful Survey Reporting

Gain instant access to pre-built reports, updated live as responses pour in. Dive deeper with drill-down analysis and intuitive cross-tabs, comparing data across questions, demographics, and even multiple surveys. Filter and customize reports with ease, then save, export, or schedule them for automatic delivery. Go beyond question-wise data: uncover hidden trends and connections by cross-tabulating responses across different surveys and timeframes.


More than Just a Customer Feedback Platform

Ease of Use

We made sure that the product is so easy to use that you can launch any survey in just 30 minutes and share it with all your customers.
“The best thing about SurveySensum is its simplicity. The user interface is so simple, that it made creating questions very easy, even for a new person.”
Numan Ardhi Nugraha
Product & Customer Insight Indosat

CX Consultation

We understand that you might not have a research team. So, our CX experts analyze the feedback and offer insights to boost your sales and retention.
“Whenever we needed support, you guys were right there. You’re always ready to offer us any kind of expertise that we might ask for.”
James Braun
VP of Quality at Apria Healthcare

Exceptional Support

It's not just the product, our support team comes with it. Wherever and whenever you get stuck, we guarantee to offer 1 hour SLA Support.
“Tools and features can be replicated, but the kind of support and ease that SurveySensum provides is exemplary.”
Siti Amaryllia
Head of CX at Allianz

Don't take our word for it, try it for yourself. It's free!

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Your Data is a Serious Responsibility!

You are in charge of your Data

Prioritizing data privacy, our encryption protocols and access management shield your proprietary and business sensitive information.

Your Data is Secure

Best-in-industry authentication protocols with regular vulnerability assessment & penetration tests (VAPT) ensure personalized data moats.

…and it is Protected

Our private server backs up your data in a virtually unlimited storage while following cloud security best practices to ensure data security.