Honda motor is receiving real-time feedback while saving 70% of its survey costs.
drop in the survey cost
feedback gathered
8-10 hours
saved on weekly analysis
The best part of SurveySensum is its ability to provide us with real-time data. It really helped us analyze and find new insights in time. All of this without compromising the quality of the data. Also, WhatsApp surveys are much more affordable and offer quick results as compared to the expensive phone surveys.

Adi Purwaputra
Customer Measurement Analyst
PT Astra Honda Motor
How did Honda saved 70% of its survey costs?
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Here's a quick summary.
The Objective
Astra Honda Motor’s CX team wanted to gather and analyze insightful quality feedback in real-time from their customers.
The Challenge
Gathering real-time feedback that is insightful and quality feedback can be a real big challenge. Moreover, collecting feedback is not enough, analyzing thousands of open-ended feedback to extract top customer complaints was challenging for Honda’s team as well.
The Solution
Honda’s CX Team was using phone survey to capture customer data and were analyzing the feedback on their own, which was taking a lot of their time, days to be exact. When SurveySensum understood their objective, they directly replaced the phone surveys with WhatsApp surveys.
WhatsApp surveys not only helped them gather real-time responses but also delivered quality feedback to them as the respondent were more honest and were allowed to share their feedback only once.
Moreover, the team was able to identify top customer complaints and sentiments with the text analysis tool instantly. They could identify the challenges that customers are facing from thousands of open-ended feedback without any manual tagging. All of this was done by reducing 70% of their phone survey costs while gathering quality and honest feedback.
How did it solve the problem?
Quick Templates:
SurveySensum’s quick templates helped the Honda team to create CSI, SSI, and NPS surveys quickly and gather feedback in real-time.
The platform is so user-friendly that no training was required to create and analyze surveys
Instant Alerts:
They received instant, personalized alerts on all low satisfaction scores enabling them to take timely action and close the feedback loop.
Text Analysis:
Just a glimpse at the powerful text analysis dashboard and they could identify the top customer issues and sentiments, and take action on them.
Exceptional Customer Support:
Focusing on the customer's experience, SurveySensum focuses on their customers and listens to and acts on their feedback.
Replace CATI/phone surveys with WhatsApp surveys and
Boost your response rate by 20%
Reduce your survey cost by 50%
Gather real-time quality feedback
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PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) is a manufacturing company that produces motorcycles of the Honda brand. A collaboration of a strong Astra Management System and Honda high technology makes AHM the leading company in the motorcycle market in Indonesia. Now PT. Astra Honda Motor becoming Indonesia's leading company in the motorcycles industry.
Company Size
Large Size
Business Type
B2B, B2C
Businesses that found their solutions with SurveySensum