The NPS Software that Actually Boosts Customer Loyalty!

SurveySensum's NPS software makes launching, analyzing, and improving your program effortless. And gives you key actionable insights to help you directly boost your NPS score.
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Effortless NPS Software: Launch, Analyze, and Act - All in One Place

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The Easiest-to-Use NPS Software with Added Value

Why SurveySensum?

No More Data Overload with Role-Based Dashboards

Share the right information with the right person. Each user sees only a customized view tailored to their specific role and responsibilities.

Identify the Key Drivers Impacting Your NPS Score

Get the key drivers that significantly influence your NPS score, prioritized for strategic enhancements in customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Measure NPS at every touchpoint

Pinpoint the exact moments where customer satisfaction dips with NPS touchpoint surveys.

Run Ad-Hoc Surveys to Identify Why Customers Drop Off or Churn

Gain targeted insights into critical areas such as customer drop-off, churn, product satisfaction, and more to proactively address issues and enhance retention rates effectively.

Connect NPS with your Revenue

Directly link NPS with revenue growth by identifying promoters who drive new sales via referrals, reducing churn by addressing detractor issues, and pinpointing key drivers to make impactful changes that improve NPS.

NPS: A Quick Overview

NPS or Net Promoter Score is a simple metric used to gauge customer loyalty. On a scale of 0 to 10, it is measured by simply asking customers one question - ‘How likely they are to recommend your product or service to their friends or acquaintances?’
Respondents who gave 9 or 10 scores and are most likely to recommend you.
Respondents who gave 7 or 8 scores and like your brand but most likely switch to your competitors for better services.
Respondents who gave you a score between 0 to 6. They are the unhappy customers who are most likely to churn.

Why NPS?

Implementing a well-designed NPS survey process brings massive returns to your company. Here are four reasons why NPS benefits your business.

Simple and user-friendly

NPS surveys are quick and straightforward. Starting with the loyalty question followed by an open-ended question, the survey rarely takes more than two minutes to complete. The user need not go through tons of questions. A simple question does the job. It is quick, user-friendly, and saves oodles of their time.

Reduces churn rate

NPS results can really enable you to control customer churn. How? Since NPS allows you to identify detractors through the scores, you can immediately send them a follow-up survey or give them a call to understand their issues in detail. This will help you recognize the core of the problems. You can discuss this with the concerned team and take timely action to redress it.

Measures customer loyalty

NPS lets you identify what part of your customers are happy and loyal towards your brand, how many are unhappy and how many are indifferent. This way you can decide on a personalized strategy for each section to improve their experience and make them loyal customers

Identify top customer complaints

The open-ended feedback is the gold mine. While the loyalty question helps you identify promoters, passives, and detractors, the open-ended questions give an opportunity to the respondent to share their experiences in detail. And when they do that, this helps you know their concerns, expectations, and struggles in detail and attain lucrative solutions.

Why Choose NPS Software?

Top Features of the Best NPS Survey Software

Seamless Integrations

Easily connect your NPS surveys with popular tools like Slack, Zendesk, Intercom, and more. This integration streamlines feedback collection and ensures that all your data is centrally located for easy analysis and action.

Multi-Channel Distribution

Reach your customers and employees wherever they are. Distribute surveys through Tablets/Kiosks, SMS, Email, Web Widgets, WhatsApp, Online, and APIs.

Personalized Surveys

Increase survey response rates by personalizing each survey. Address customers by their name and demographic details, making them feel like you know them in the feedback process.

Multilingual Surveys

Boost your NPS response rates by translating surveys into your customers' native languages. This allows you to cater to a diverse audience and ensures better comprehension and more accurate feedback.

White-Label Customization

Fully customize your NPS surveys to reflect your brand identity. Add your logo, branding, background images, and additional questions to create a seamless experience that aligns with your brand.

Conditional Logic

Use advanced survey logic to tailor follow-up questions based on respondents' scores. This provides more relevant feedback and deeper insights into customer sentiments and experiences.

Close the Feedback loop

Take swift and actionable steps to address feedback. Quickly resolve customer issues and turn detractors into promoters, significantly enhancing your customer retention rates.

Optimized Timing

Send NPS surveys at the optimal times. Ensure that customers have adequate experience with your product or service before responding, which leads to more meaningful and accurate feedback. 

Survey Throttling

Prevent survey fatigue by controlling the frequency of survey invitations. Ensure no respondent receives multiple surveys within a configured time frame, maintaining a positive customer experience.  

Real-Time Alerts

Set up immediate alerts for detractor responses. This enables your team to respond promptly and resolve issues, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

Real-Time Reporting

Identify and resolve issues quickly with real-time reporting. Track responses and insights instantly to avoid the delays associated with manual reporting processes.

In-Depth Reports

Gain deeper insights with comprehensive reports like NPS Meter, Trends, Location-based NPS, and Text Analytics. These reports help you understand customer sentiments and identify areas for improvement.

Professional Charts

Easily generate presentation-ready charts. Use quick snapshots and in-depth analyses to visually represent your data, eliminating the need for spreadsheets and manual chart creation.

Employee NPS (eNPS)

Extend your NPS surveys to measure Employee Net Promoter Scores. Evaluate employee satisfaction alongside customer satisfaction to gain a holistic understanding of your organization’s health.

Additional CX Metrics

Measure other critical customer experience metrics like CSAT and CES in the same survey. This provides a comprehensive view of the customer experience and helps in identifying specific areas for improvement.

CX that Drives Growth and Not Bills

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One of the most cost-friendly platform with simplest pricing
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We're not the type to just leave you hanging with the platform, we're in this with you all the way until you hit those business goals
Driver of Profitability
The focus extends beyond merely gathering feedback to driving ACTUAL results – your bottom line.
Support SLA < 2 hours
Get your queries resolved within 2 hours at any time at any channel of your choice.

Perfectly Synced with Your Existing Platform


Want to Calculate your NPS Score?

Use this super simple calculator to calculate your NPS Score and benchmark it against your competitors.
Enter the number of times you’ve received each score
See the group-wise breakdown and overall score
*As per the NICE Satmetrix NPS Benchmarks for 2020

Frequently Asked Questions About NPS

NPS tools are software solutions designed to measure and analyze the Net Promoter Score. They help businesses understand customer loyalty, gather feedback, and take actionable steps to improve the customer experience. These tools often include features like survey distribution, real-time reporting, and text analytics.
A good NPS score is generally considered to be 30 and above. However, this can vary by industry. Scores above 50 are often seen as excellent and indicate a high level of customer satisfaction and loyalty, while scores above 70 are exceptional.
NPS benchmarking allows businesses to compare their scores against industry averages or competitors. This comparison helps identify strengths and areas for improvement, setting targets for boosting customer loyalty and satisfaction.
Color coding the NPS scale (e.g., red for detractors, yellow for passives, green for promoters) helps businesses quickly visualize customer sentiment. This visual cue makes it easier to prioritize actions and responses based on the feedback received.
The 5-point NPS scale is a simplified version of the traditional 11-point scale, breaking down responses into five categories. This can simplify data collection and analysis, making it easier for customers to respond and for businesses to interpret the results.
Essential NPS survey questions include two core NPS question: "On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our product/service to a friend?" Follow-up questions should seek to understand the reasons behind the score and gather qualitative feedback.
NPS in customer service measures the quality of support interactions. By gauging customer satisfaction after service calls or support tickets, businesses can identify areas to improve service quality and enhance overall customer satisfaction.
NPS in banking is used to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction with financial services. It helps identify key factors that drive customer trust and areas for service improvement, contributing to a better banking experience.
TNPS measures customer loyalty immediately after specific transactions or interactions. This provides real-time feedback on individual touchpoints, allowing businesses to make quick adjustments to improve the customer experience.
The main types of NPS are Relationship NPS, which measures overall loyalty over time, and Transactional NPS, which assesses customer loyalty after specific interactions or transactions.
NPS benchmarking in retail is used to compare their scores with industry standards. This helps identify how they stack up against competitors and reveals specific areas where they can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
NPS in B2B measures client loyalty and satisfaction with business services. It provides insights into how well a company meets its client's needs and helps strengthen long-term business relationships.
A good NPS score in SaaS generally falls between 30 and 50. Higher scores indicate strong customer loyalty and satisfaction with the software offering. Scores above 50 are exceptional in this industry.
To create an effective NPS survey, start with the core NPS question, personalize the survey, use conditional logic for follow-up questions, and distribute it through various channels such as email, SMS, and web for broad reach.
Send NPS surveys after key customer interactions like purchases, support calls, or product usage milestones. Periodically sending surveys helps capture overall satisfaction and track changes over time.
Higher NPS scores are linked to increased customer loyalty, reduced churn, and higher referral rates. Satisfied customers are more likely to make repeat purchases and recommend the business to others, directly contributing to revenue growth.
The NPS methodology involves asking the core NPS question, categorizing respondents as detractors, passives, or promoters, and using follow-up questions to gather detailed feedback. This structured approach provides both quantitative and qualitative insights.
NPS Text Analytics uses natural language processing to analyze open-ended survey responses. This helps identify common themes and sentiments, providing deeper insights into customer feedback and preferences.
The NPS in automotive is to measure satisfaction with vehicle purchases, services, and overall brand loyalty. This feedback helps manufacturers and dealerships improve products and customer experiences.
NPS in Fintech is used to gauge customer loyalty and satisfaction with their digital financial services. It helps identify key drivers of satisfaction and areas for improvement in user experience and service offerings.
The NPS metric quantifies customer loyalty on a scale from -100 to 100. It helps businesses track and improve customer satisfaction over time, driving strategic decisions that enhance the customer experience.
To maximize the effectiveness of NPS survey emails, personalize the email content, use clear and engaging subject lines, and follow up on responses to ensure meaningful feedback and high engagement rates.
CX NPS assesses customer loyalty within the broader context of their overall experience with a company. It evaluates how various touchpoints and interactions influence overall satisfaction and loyalty.
Product NPS measures customer satisfaction with specific products. This feedback helps businesses understand product performance, identify issues, and drive product improvements for better customer experiences.
Best practices include personalizing surveys, timing them appropriately, using follow-up questions to gather detailed feedback, and analyzing the data to take informed actions. These practices ensure high response rates and valuable insights
NPS provides a straightforward and reliable measure of customer loyalty. It helps businesses identify promoters and detractors, understand key drivers of satisfaction, and make data-driven decisions to improve customer retention and drive growth.
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  • Launching your feedback program
  • Analysing feedback from the spreadsheets
  • Making sense of the dashboard
  • Identifying key drivers that ACTUALLY impacts your bottom line!
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