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20+ Webinar Survey Questions to Improve Your Next Webinar

Jul 18, 2024

8 mins read

Manisha Khandelwal

Did you know the average number of leads any webinar generates is between 500-1000?

So, the next time you launch a webinar don’t forget that it has the potential to boost your revenue and extend your customer base. However, organizing a webinar is just one step, the follow-up that comes after the webinar is what matters the most when it comes to converting attendees into customers. 

Now, how do you engage with your attendees after the webinar is over? With post-webinar surveys.

By leveraging post-webinar surveys you can effectively engage with attendees even after the webinar is over to understand their needs and expectations and pitch offers that suit their needs. Also, with these surveys, you can understand what worked and what didn’t work in your current webinar and what to improve in your next one.

But wait, before launching your post-webinar surveys, let’s first understand why you need to launch one and what types of post-webinar survey questions you need to ask.

Why Should You Launch a Post-Webinar Survey?

Here’s why you should launch a post-webinar survey.

1. To Convert Attendees Into Potential Customers

Did you know that the average webinar attendee conversion rate is 55%?

Post-pandemic webinars have become a great way for companies to engage with potential customers. In fact, companies have reported that webinars have an increased conversion rate of 87% post-pandemic. This shows that a lot more people are attending webinars now than ever before so this is the right time to engage with them via webinars. But what if your webinars are not what people are expecting? Launch a webinar survey and get your answers today. Scale up and stand out!

2. To Improve the Quality of Webinar

Nothing is launched perfectly the first time or even the second time, And when it comes to organizing webinars, there is a lot of effort that goes behind the scenes – from getting the venue right to getting the right speaker – the struggle is real. So, after all these efforts if something goes wrong, you don’t want a repeat of that, right?

This is where the webinar survey questions step in. With this feedback, you can identify areas where improvements are required, do proper impact analysis, and take prioritized action to improve the quality of your webinar for the next time. 

3. To Gauge Audience Interest

By leveraging the feedback received from webinar surveys you can understand your audience a little better. You can learn what their needs and requirements are in particular and pitch offers accordingly. 

For example, in your recent human resource management webinar you understood that your SaaS audience requires their HRMS system to be more intuitive and scalable to their growing needs. Now, you have a product that can do that so this gives you a way to do targeted marketing and convert this particular audience into your customer.

4. To Boost Engagement

By asking for feedback from your attendees and acting on it, you instill a sense of value in them and establish ongoing communication with your attendees even after the webinar is long over. This also helps your audience feel valued and heard and enhances brand building.


Want to improve your next webinar? Launch post-webinar surveys to ask your audience to share their experiences, identify areas of improvement, and create a much more seamless experience in your next webinar.


Now that you have covered the “why” behind launching webinar surveys, let’s now discover some of the webinar feedback survey questions to use in your webinar surveys.

Top 20+ Post-Webinar Survey Questions

Here are some post-webinar follow-up survey questions for you to ask in our next webinar survey.

1. General Post-Webinar Survey Questions

Why: To understand the overall satisfaction of the attendees in regard to the webinar.

  1. On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you with the overall webinar experience? (Rating scale)
  2. On a scale of 1-7, how likely are you to attend future webinars hosted by us? (Rating scale)
  3. How did you hear about this webinar? (Yes/No)
  4. Was this your first time attending one of our webinars? (Yes/No)
  5. Do you have any suggestions for improving our future webinars? (Open-ended question)

2. Webinar Attendee Satisfaction Questions

Why: To understand the satisfaction level of the attendees in regard to the overall webinar.

  1. On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate your satisfaction with the registration process? (Rating scale)
  2. On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate your satisfaction with the webinar platform used? (Rating scale)
  3. On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you with the timing and length of the webinar? (Rating scale)
  4. On a scale of 1-7, how helpful was the webinar in addressing your needs? (Rating scale)
  5. On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our webinars to a colleague or friend? (NPS)

3. Post-Webinar Survey Questions About the Content, Format, and Speaker

Why: To understand the satisfaction of the attendees in regard to the webinar content, format, and speaker.

  1. On a scale of 1-5, how relevant was the content to your professional needs? (Rating scale)
  2. On a scale of 1-7, how well-organized was the webinar? (Rating scale)
  3. On a scale of 1-5, how engaging was the speaker? (Rating scale)
  4. On a scale of 1-10, how effective were the visual aids (slides, videos, etc.) used during the webinar? (Rating scale)
  5. On a scale of 1-7, how would you rate the clarity of the information presented in the webinar? (Rating scale)
  6. Was there enough opportunity for Q&A and interaction? (Yes/No)

4. Technical Post-Webinar Survey Questions

Why: To understand the satisfaction of the attendees in regard to the technical aspects of the webinar.

  1. On a scale of 1-7, how would you rate the audio and video quality of the webinar?
  2. Did you experience any technical issues during the webinar? If so, please describe. (Open-ended)
  3. On a scale of 1-5, how easy was it to join and navigate the webinar platform? (Rating scale)
  4. Was the technical support provided satisfactory? (Yes/No)
  5. How could we improve the technical aspects of our webinars? (Open-ended)

  Launch post-webinar surveys to understand your attendee’s satisfaction level and to identify areas of improvement to create an even better experience in your next webinar!


Now that your questions are ready, let’s learn some tips to create the best survey design for your post-webinar survey.

Design the Best Post-Webinar Surveys

Here is a little checklist to help you create the best webinar survey.

  1. Thank your attendees – before sending surveys to ask for feedback, thank your attendees first for attending the webinar.
  2. Send out surveys as soon as your webinar is over so that your attendee’s experience is still fresh in their minds.
  3. Keep your survey short and simple. Your attendees are more likely to leave surveys in the middle if you ask too many questions. So, keep your questions short and try to finish the entire survey within 5-7 minutes.
  4. Don’t make your surveys boring – use different question types like rating scales, NPS, open-ended questions, etc to make your surveys interesting and to gather better data.
  5. Contact the no-show who registered but didn’t turn up to attend the webinar. These people are interested in your content, so engage with them.
  6. Identify areas for improvement by extracting actionable insights from customer feedback.


Organizing webinars is tough – there is a lot of work that goes behind the scenes and you might not get it right for the first, or even the second time and that’s where post-webinar surveys step in. Asking the right questions at the right time will enable you to extract actionable insights and take action to improve your next webinar more effectively. 

But creating an effective survey also requires the right tool. With a robust customer feedback tool like SurveySensum, you can not only create the best webinar surveys with the right questions but also gather data, analyze them, extract actionable insights, and take prioritized action to continuously improve yourself.

Manisha Khandelwal

Senior Content Marketer at SurveySensum

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