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Gather Actionable Data by Asking 60 Post-Event Survey Questions

Jun 24, 2024

12 mins read

Manisha Khandelwal

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Do you want to know how your event attendees felt during the event? 

What were the highlights of your events that they enjoyed the most?

How did they get to know about the event?

You can get answers to all these questions by simply launching the POST-EVENT SURVEYS. These surveys help you to gather insights from your attendees about their satisfaction, likes and dislikes, and much more. With all these insights, you can improve your event and make it successful. 

In fact, 90% of virtual event organizers use surveys to measure attendee satisfaction, and 80% identify attendee engagement and satisfaction as key performance indicators for event success. 

But are launching these surveys enough to gather attendee engagement insights? 

It is not. That’s why survey designing is crucial. While designing these surveys, you must ask simple yet straightforward post-event survey questions. These targeted questions can help you get the data that you’re really looking for. 

To create these surveys effectively, you need a robust survey builder tool that offers templates, distributes surveys across multiple channels, provides real-time insights and reports, and analyzes open-ended feedback hassle-free. With real-time insights, you can enhance your event marketing and determine what strategies are effective. 

That being said, let’s get started with understanding post-event surveys here.

What are Post-Event Surveys?

An image created on the SurveySensum tool asking post event survey question; How satisfied were you with the overall event? to gauge the attendee satisfaction level

Post-event surveys are used after an event to gather attendees’ feedback on various aspects of the event experience to gauge the success of your event and identify areas of improvement. 

Regardless of whether the feedback is positive or negative, post-event surveys play a vital role in understanding attendee satisfaction and identifying actionable insights for future events.

What else do these surveys let you do?

With post-event surveys, you can:

  • Adjust event planning: By gathering insights on event timing, speaker quality, content usefulness, and attendee interest in future events.
  • Build attendee trust: By using surveys like NPS, CSAT, and CES and listening to their feedback. This shows that their opinions are genuinely heard and valued.
  • Make informed decisions: Gathered feedback helps measure the potential of future events and continuously improve event experiences.

With post event surveys you can drive continuous improvement and success by actively seeking input from attendees, employees, speakers, etc. This can ensure that each event is a step closer to achieving its objectives and delivering exceptional attendee experiences. 

→ Also, it’s recommended to use these surveys after every type of event—whether virtual, webinar, networking event, or conference to gather comprehensive feedback. 

With that, let’s move ahead and explore the types of post event survey questions. 

Types of Post-Event Survey Questions

Following are the 5 different types of post event survey sample questions: 

1. Post Event Survey Questions for Attendees

An image created by SurveySensum asking how relevant was the event content for attendees

To ensure you gather valuable insights from attendees and enhance future events, it’s essential to ask focused questions in your survey. Here are the post event survey questions examples:

  1. Overall Experience
  • How would you rate your overall experience at the event? [Rating scale (e.g., 1-5 or 1-10)]
  • What could we have done to improve your experience? [Open-ended question]
  1. Event Content
  • How relevant was the event content to your interests? [Rating scale]
  • Which activities did you find most valuable? [Multiple choice]
  1. Speakers and Presenters
  • How would you rate the quality of the presenters? [Rating scale]
  • Who was your favorite presenter, and why? [Open-ended question]
  1. Event Organization
  • How satisfied were you with the registration process? [Rating scale]
  • Were there any logistical issues you encountered? [Open-ended question]
  1. Event Communication
  • How clear was the communication leading up to the event? [Rating scale]
  • Was the event schedule easy to access?  [Yes/No]
  1. Food and Beverages
  • How would you rate the quality of food provided? [Rating scale]
  • Do you have any dietary restrictions that were not met? [Yes/No]
  1. Post-Event Follow-Up
  • Would you like to receive information about future events? [Yes/No]
  • How likely are you to attend future events hosted by us? [Rating scale]

By including a mix of questions such as Likert scales, multiple-choice, and open-ended questions, you can gather both quantitative and qualitative feedback. This will provide a comprehensive understanding of the attendees’ experiences and help you improve future events.

Start launching your post-event survey and gauge attendee feedback with SurveySensum

2. Post Event Survey Questions for Volunteers

An image showing open-ended post event survey questions for staff asking the feedback to share experience

To ensure continuous improvement and gather insights from volunteers, it’s crucial to ask targeted questions in your post event survey. Here are key areas to consider:

  1. Role and Responsibilities
  • How clear were your responsibilities during the event? [Rating scale]
  • Were you adequately prepared for your tasks? [Yes/No]
  1. Team Collaboration
  • How effective was the collaboration within your team? [Rating scale]
  • Did you face any challenges working with other team members? If yes, please specify. [Open-ended question]
  1. Training and Support
  • Did you receive sufficient training before the event? [Rating scale]
  • How can we improve training for future events? [Open-ended question]
  1. Event Organization
  • How would you rate the overall organization of the event from a volunteer perspective? [Rating scale]
  • Were there any logistical challenges you encountered as a volunteer? [Open-ended question]
  1. Feedback and Suggestions
  • Do you have any suggestions for improving the volunteer experience at future events? [Open-ended question]
  • Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience volunteering at the event? [Open-ended question]
  1. Team Recognition and Feedback
  • Did you receive adequate recognition for your contributions during the event? [Yes/No]
  • How can we better acknowledge the efforts of volunteers in future events? [Open-ended question]

By incorporating these questions into your post event survey, you can gather valuable feedback from staff and volunteers. This feedback is essential for improving teamwork, enhancing volunteer satisfaction, and ensuring smooth event operations in future endeavors.Launch Your Post Event Survey and Gather Comprehensive Feedback from Staff With Readymade Templates

3. Post Event Survey Questions for Speakers

A survey image showing post event survey questions for speakers to gather their feedback on their overall experience as a speaker.

To gather valuable insights and improve speaker experiences at future events, ask the following targeted questions in your post event survey:

  1. Speaker Experience
  • How would you rate your overall experience as a speaker at our event? [Rating scale (e.g., 1-5 or 1-10)]
  • Were your expectations met regarding audience interaction? [Yes/No]
  1. Preparation and Support
  • Did you receive adequate support before the event? [Rating scale]
  • How can we improve our support for speakers in future events? [Open-ended question]
  1. Session Content
  • How satisfied were you with the setup of your session? [Rating scale]
  • Did the event format align with your presentation content delivery needs? [Yes/No]
  1. Audience Feedback
  • What comments did you receive from attendees during or after your session? [Open-ended question]
  • How valuable was the audience feedback in enhancing your session? [Rating scale]
  1. Event Organization
  • How would you rate the overall organization of the event from a speaker’s perspective? [Rating scale]
  • Were there any logistical issues you encountered as a speaker? [Open-ended question]
  1. Future Collaboration
  • Would you be interested in speaking at future events hosted by us? [Yes/No]
  • What aspects of our events would encourage you to participate again as a speaker? [Open-ended question]

Asking these post event survey questions for speakers improves their experiences and enhances the quality of presentations at future events. This approach not only helps in understanding speaker satisfaction but also strengthens relationships for potential future collaborations.

Launch Your Post Event Survey for Speakers and Gather Valuable Feedback with SurveySensum

4. Post Event Survey Questions for Vendors and Sponsors

A survey image asking a post event survey question to vendor of the event about the networking opportunities on 1-5 point rating scale

Ask the following post event survey questions from vendors or sponsors to gather valuable feedback and strengthen partnerships:

  1. Overall Experience
  • How would you rate your overall experience as a vendor at our event? [Rating scale (e.g., 1-5 or 1-10)]
  • Did the event meet your expectations in terms of networking opportunities? [Yes/No]
  1. Audience Engagement
  • How effective was the audience engagement with attendees? [Rating scale]
  • Did you receive leads from event attendees? [Yes/No]
  1. ROI and Business Impact
  • Did participating in our event meet your ROI expectations? [Rating scale]
  • What could we do to improve the impact of our events for vendors? [Open-ended question]
  1. Future Collaboration
  • Would you consider sponsoring us in future events? [Yes/No]
  • What aspects of our events would encourage you to continue your partnership with us? [Open-ended question]
  1. Additional Comments
  • Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience as a vendor at our event? [Open-ended question]

By incorporating these questions into your post event survey, you can gather valuable insights from vendors and sponsors to strengthen relationships and improve future event offerings. This approach helps understand their satisfaction levels, enhance event organization, and maximize ROI for all stakeholders involved.

Maximise ROI by Diving Deeper into the Gathered Post Event Feedback from Vendors

5. Post Event Survey Questions for Employees

A survey image showing a post-event survey questions for employees about team communication

To ensure continuous improvement of your employees who participated in or supported the event, make sure to launch a pulse survey. Also, the following are the targeted questions to add to your survey:

  1. Employee Participation
  • Did you participate in or support the event? [Yes/No]
  1. Event Experience
  • How would you rate your overall event experience? [Rating scale (e.g., 1-5 or 1-10)]
  • Did the event meet your expectations in terms of organization and execution? [Multiple choice]
  1. Role and Responsibilities
  • How clear were your roles during the event? [Rating scale]
  • Were you provided with adequate resources to fulfill your responsibilities? [Yes/No]
  1. Team Collaboration
  • How effective was the teamwork during the event? [Rating scale]
  • Did you face any challenges working with other departments during the event? If yes, please specify. [Open-ended question]
  1. Learning and Development
  • Did you gain any new insights from participating in the event? [Yes/No]
  • Please describe what you learned. [Open-ended question]
  1. Feedback and Suggestions
  • What did you find most valuable about the event from an employee perspective? [Open-ended question]
  • Do you have any suggestions for improving employee participation in future events? [Open-ended question]
  1. Overall Impact
  • How do you think participating in this event has contributed to our company’s goals? [Rating scale]
  • Would you be interested in supporting similar events in the future? [Yes/No]

By including these post event survey questions for employees, you can gather valuable feedback from employees who directly contributed to or were involved in the event. This feedback is essential for evaluating employee satisfaction, improving teamwork, and enhancing the overall employee experience related to company events.

Key Considerations for Crafting Effective Post Event Feedback Survey Questions

Creating effective post-event survey questions involves several key considerations to ensure you gather valuable feedback that shapes future event improvements:

1. Define Clear Objectives: Start by setting specific goals for your survey. Determine what insights you need from attendees, staff, speakers, and vendors. Clear objectives ensure focused and relevant survey questions, whether you’re measuring overall satisfaction, session feedback, or logistical suggestions.

For instance, if you are organizing a technology conference, your specific goals for the post-event survey might be to gauge overall attendee satisfaction or to gather feedback on the effectiveness of the keynote sessions. With these clear objectives, you can create focused and relevant survey questions asking about their overall satisfaction, session feedback, and more.

2. Use a Variety of Question Types: Incorporate different types to capture comprehensive feedback. Use closed-ended questions like multiple-choice or rating scales to easily analyze attendee sentiments. Open-ended questions let respondents share detailed insights into their experiences and suggestions.

For example, if you want to measure the number of event recommendations, you should launch an NPS survey. If you want to gauge the satisfaction level of your attendees, go for the CSAT survey, and use the CES survey to evaluate the ease of participation. This mixture of surveys ensures you get both quantitative and qualitative feedback.

3. Keep Questions Concise: Ensure that survey questions are kept brief and straightforward. Clear language reduces confusion and encourages higher response rates

4. Focus on Clarity: Emphasize clarity in your survey questions. Each question should be easily understandable to participants. This clarity ensures that respondents can grasp the meaning behind each question and provide thoughtful responses. Also, avoid using technical jargon to ensure all respondents understand and can provide accurate feedback.

5. Strive for Actionable Insights: Design your survey questions to extract meaningful insights. Aim to collect data that not only identifies areas for improvement but also provides actionable suggestions for enhancing future event experiences.

6. Leverage a Robust Survey Builder: Use SurveySensum, a robust survey builder designed to streamline the process of creating, distributing, and analyzing post event surveys. SurveySensum offers features that allow for easy customization of survey questions, seamless integration with CRM systems for streamlined data management, and comprehensive reporting capabilities.

By following these key considerations, you can create post-event surveys that effectively gather feedback to improve attendee satisfaction and overall event success.


Post-event surveys are essential for capturing valuable feedback and improving future events. Tailoring survey questions to your specific event goals ensures the data you gather is meaningful and actionable. This approach allows you to gauge attendee satisfaction, evaluate speaker performance, and measure sponsor impact effectively.

In addition, rigorously analyzing survey responses helps identify trends, pinpoint areas for improvement, and highlight successful aspects of your event. This enhances your event planning and continuous improvement efforts.

If you are looking for a comprehensive solution, SurveySensum is your go-to choice. It streamlines the feedback process for event organizers. From crafting insightful questions to providing detailed response analysis, SurveySensum empowers you to make informed decisions and elevate the attendee experience.

Manisha Khandelwal

Senior Content Marketer at SurveySensum

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