Net Promoter Score

Find Key NPS Drivers and Extract Actionable Insights With NPS Dashboard

Jun 28, 2024

7 mins read

Manisha Khandelwal

→ Do you have a bird’s eye view of your NPS program?

→ What are the common things your customers are complaining about?

→ Is your NPS data siloed from different teams?

If yes, then you need an advanced, analytical, and intuitive NPS dashboard. It gives you this and a lot more.

The better the visualization of your NPS data, the better actionable insights you can distill – which you can incorporate into your current and future strategies. It is as important as launching and analyzing your NPS data. This involves tracking the right KPIs and implementing the widgets and data types that match your NPS goals.

But how do we determine these important factors? Well, let’s scroll and find out. But first, let’s understand why you need to build an NPS dashboard in the first place.

Why Build an NPS Dashboard?

Before jumping into designing your NPS dashboard, you need to understand why you need one in the first place because by understanding the “why”, you can determine which data type or widget is important for you. 

Here are a few reasons why you need to build an NPS dashboard.

1. Get a Bird’s Eye View of the NPS Program

With all the NPS data displayed in one place, you can get the full picture of your NPS program all in one place. This will enable you to

  • Identify trends in a given period of time
  • Compare current NPS data with previous data
  • Understand the overall health of your customer relationship
  • Gain an overview of how different aspects of your CX program are performing.

2. Identify NPS Drivers

You can analyze data to pinpoint what factors are contributing to your high or low NPS score. By identifying these factors you can prioritize your actions based on their impact on your NPS score. 

3. Track Progress

You can monitor how your NPS score changes over time. This ongoing tracking is especially helpful when you implement any changes to your NPS program.

4. NPS Trends

You can visualize your customers’ changing sentiments and behaviors over time and by analyzing these trends, you can identify top patterns and predict future behavior.

Measure and track your NPS metrics to boost your customer loyalty with SurveySensum’s NPS software.

Now that you have built your dashboard, what data do you need to track?

What NPS Data Should Be Included in the Dashboard?

Here are some of the important data that you need to track in your NPS score dashboard.

  1. Monthly/Weekly-Wise Net Promoter Score: Track NPS on a monthly, and weekly, wise basis. This will help you monitor how customer sentiment changes over time, identify trends, and assess the impact of changes.
  2. NPS Categories: Breaking down your NPS score into its three categories – promoters, passives, and detractors – tells you in which category most of your customers fall. 
  3. Total Number of Users Who Participated in an NPS Survey: By tracking your participation rate you get an idea of how many customers are taking your survey. A high number of responses indicates relevant data for analysis, while a low number suggests the need to improve survey response rates.
  4. Comparison of NPS on Website and App: Analyzing NPS in relation to the time spent on your app or website reveals which medium your customers prefer to share feedback on. This will enable you to optimize your program accordingly. 
  5. NPS by Customer Segments: Segmenting NPS data by different customer groups (e.g., by region, product, customer type) helps you understand how different segments perceive your brand and enables you to optimize accordingly.

Now that you know what data to track, let’s understand which elements or widgets will provide you with the best visualization.

Which Visualization Elements to Include in the NPS Dashboard?

Here are the key visualization elements to include in your NPS survey dashboard.

1. NPS Performance Gauge

The image shows the NPS performance gauge widget where the overall NPS score is shown in a color-coded segment.

An NPS performance gauge visually represents your current NPS score on a scale using color-coded segments like red, yellow, and green to indicate poor, average, and excellent scores. It provides an at-a-glance view of your overall NPS performance, helping businesses understand how well they are doing in terms of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

2. NPS by Frequency

The image shows the NPS bar chart that shows the NPS response segregated on a scale of 0-10.

A bar or line chart shows NPS scores over different time intervals. This visualization helps track changes in NPS scores over time, allowing you to identify trends and the impact of improvement in your NPS program.

3. NPS by Tag Analysis

The image shows the NPS tag analysis where keywords are segmented and tagged under different categories.

Tag analysis automates the process of segmenting NPS feedback based on keywords or tags (e.g., customer service, product quality, pricing). NPS text analytics help businesses identify the key drivers of NPS scores, identifying top customer complaints, sentiments, trends, and patterns. 

4. NPS Historical Data

 The image shows the NPS historical data in a line format.

A line chart tracks NPS scores over a longer period, such as year-over-year or quarter-by-quarter. Displaying historical data helps in understanding long-term trends and patterns in customer satisfaction. 

5. Word Cloud

The image shows the NPS word cloud where keywords are segregated based on their frequency of repetition.

A word cloud visualizes the most common words or phrases found in open-ended feedback, with the frequency of repetition of each word indicating its frequency of occurrence. It highlights the most prominent themes and sentiments expressed by customers.

→Suggested Read: Why Use NPS: Leverage NPS as a KPI for Business Success

Track important NPS metrics with SurveySensum’s intuitive, customizable, and analytical dashboard.

How to Track Customer Loyalty with a SurveySensum NPS Dashboard?

Here is how you can keep track of your NPS metrics with SurveySensum’s NPS dashboard.

Analyze NPS and Get Report In a Single Dashboard

By having all your NPS data in one place, you can easily see overall trends, identify patterns, and understand the general sentiment of your customers. This NPS report provides visualization of NPS data via charts, bars, lines, etc making it simple to interpret without needing to dig through raw numbers manually.

Here’s how you can get this data with SurveySensum’s NPS software:

Step 1: In the SurveySensum’s survey builder, go to the “Report” section.

 The image shows the NPS report section of SurveySensum’s NPS software.

Step 2: Here you can get a bird’s eye view of your NPS program along with the number of responses received, participation rate, NPS trends, promoters, detractors, etc.

The image shows the NPS dashboard that gives an overview of the NPS program.

Track Individual NPS Responses

Tracking individual responses helps you pinpoint exactly what customers like or dislike about your product or service. It lets you view each response, see who gave the feedback, and what specific comments they made, giving you a clear picture of individual customer experiences.

Here’s how you can get this data with SurveySensum’s NPS software:

Step 1: In the “Report” tab on SurveySensum’s survey builder, go to the “Comments” section.

Step 2: Here you can see the detailed data on the top trending customer complaints and sentiments.

The image shows the NPS open-ended responses and how they are segmented under different categories.

→ Suggested Read: 9 Ways To Improve Your NPS Response Rate

Compare NPS Data Over Time

By comparing your NPS data over different periods, you can identify trends and measure the impact of changes or initiatives you’ve implemented. It provides you with advanced settings to compare data weekly, quarterly, monthly, and annual basis, helping you understand how customer perceptions evolve and what strategies are working.

Step 1: In the “Report” tab on SurveySensum’s survey builder, scroll down to the “NPS trends” section.

Step 2: Here you can see NPS data over time. You can set the time frame to weekly, quarterly, etc, and visualize the NPS data over time.

The image shows the NPS historical data in a line format.


An NPS dashboard provides you with a centralized and real-time view of your customer feedback, allowing you to identify trending customer complaints, and sentiments, and keep track of your overall NPS program all in one place. Additionally, it not only enables you to track your customer loyalty but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement in your company.

However, only the best NPS tools can provide you with all that. Tools like SurveySensum, allow you to launch, gather, and analyze NPS data in real time with a robust reporting system. The tool has an intuitive and analytical reporting system that allows you to customize your dashboard according to your NPS goals and get comprehensive insights into your NPS program.

Manisha Khandelwal

Senior Content Marketer at SurveySensum

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