Customer Experience

70+ Business Survey Questions to Drive Your Business

Oct 16, 2024

10 mins read

Manisha Khandelwal

80% of companies that have experienced positive growth use customer surveys to gather customer feedback, compared to 58% of non-growth companies.

Whether you want to research market trends or improve your customer experience – launching business surveys is an effective way to understand your customer’s preferences, pain points, and expectations. However, the success of these surveys depends on asking the right questions. 

With a well-structured survey design with the right questions, you can gather relevant insights that can drive strategic improvements and ultimately boost the company’s growth. So, let’s uncover the right business survey questions to avoid gathering incomplete and misleading data.

What are Business Survey Questions?

Business survey questions are a set of targeted questions designed to gather feedback from your customers, employees, or clients to understand what’s working well and what needs improvement in your business. By asking the right business survey questions, you get valuable insights into customer satisfaction, product performance, and overall business operations.

You can ask questions about customer service, product quality, pricing, or even future needs. The goal is to collect data that will help you make better decisions and improve your services or products. These questions can be open-ended or multiple-choice, depending on the kind of information you’re looking to gather.

But Why Should You Use Business Survey Questions?

Following are the factors showing the importance of using survey questions for your business:

  • Improve products and services:  66% of customers expect companies to understand their needs. By understanding what customers like or dislike through surveys, you can make changes that align with their preferences, leading to better customer loyalty and satisfaction.
  • Identify growth opportunities: Ask survey questions to help identify new trends or customer needs, allowing you to expand into new markets or improve existing offerings.
  • Improve customer satisfaction: Gathering feedback from customers helps you address issues or pain points, improving their overall experience and building stronger relationships.
  • Save time and money: 77% of consumers have a more favorable view of companies that ask for and accept customer feedback. That’s why, collecting real data through surveys allows you to make informed decisions, avoiding costly mistakes or unnecessary product changes.
  • Track business performance: Regular surveys help monitor how your business is doing, giving you clear insights into areas that need attention or improvement.

All in all, business survey questions are an easy and effective tool to help you make better decisions and stay competitive.

Stay updated with your customer’s needs, and expectations by creating surveys easily on SurveySensum. By using customizable templates, you can dive deep into customer perceptions. Get started today

Now let’s look at the questions to include in your business surveys. 

70+ Business Survey Questions

Wondering what questions should you ask in a business survey? 

Here is a list of business survey questions that you can use to gather meaningful insights on various topics including customer satisfaction, product quality, employee engagement, and market trends, to guide your decisions.

Business Survey Questions For Customer Service

Companies that view customer service as a value center see 3.5 times greater revenue growth. Improving service quality leads to enhanced customer satisfaction and better business performance. And customer service survey questions can help you get there.

Here are some good survey questions to improve your customer service:

  1. How satisfied are you with our company’s overall customer service experience?
  2. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the helpfulness of our customer service team?
  3. Was your issue resolved on time during your last interaction with our customer service?
  4. How easy was it to reach our customer service team when you needed assistance?
  5. Did our customer service team meet your expectations in resolving your issue?
  6. How would you rate the communication skills of the customer service representative?

Business Survey Questions For Lead Capture

Want to understand the needs and preferences of your potential customers?

Lead capture business survey questions are for you! 

By using these insights, you can tailor marketing strategies, qualify leads more efficiently, and improve conversion rates. This targeted approach drives sustainable growth, boosting both revenue and competitiveness.

Here are some questions to ask:

  1. How did you hear about our company?
  2. What problem are you looking to solve with our product or service?
  3. What specific features or services are you most interested in?
  4. What is your preferred method of communication (email, phone, chat, etc.)?
  5. How soon are you planning to make a purchase decision?
  6. What factors are most important to you when choosing a product/service like ours?
  7. What is your company’s size or number of employees?
  8. What is your industry or business sector?
  9. What budget range have you allocated for this purchase?

Business Survey Questions For Customer Loyalty

If you want to measure how committed and satisfied customers are with your brand or product, go for business survey questions for customer loyalty. 

The insights from these will allow you to identify key factors driving retention and strengthen customer relationships. By nurturing loyalty, you can turn satisfied customers into brand advocates, fostering long-term growth and repeat business.

Here are some questions to ask:

  1. How likely are you to continue using our products or services in the future?
  2. On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or colleague?
  3. What makes you choose our brand over competitors?
  4. How satisfied are you with the overall quality of our products or services?
  5. How often do you purchase from our company?
  6. What are the top reasons you continue to choose our brand?
  7. Have you ever switched to a competitor’s product/service? If so, why?
  8. How satisfied are you with the value for money our products/services offer?
  9. How well do our products or services meet your expectations?

Business Survey Questions For Customer Satisfaction

The business survey questions measure how well a company’s products or services meet customer expectations. By gathering feedback, businesses can identify areas for improvement, enhance the customer experience, and foster loyalty, ultimately leading to higher retention rates and positive word-of-mouth. 

Here are the CSAT questions to include in your business survey:

  1. How satisfied are you with your recent purchase from our company?
  2. On a scale of 1-10, how well did our product or service meet your expectations?
  3. How easy was it to navigate our website or store to find what you needed?
  4. How would you rate the quality of our products or services?
  5. Were your questions or concerns addressed promptly and effectively?
  6. How likely are you to purchase from us again in the future?
  7. How satisfied are you with the overall value you received for the price paid?
  8. How would you rate your experience with our customer service team?
  9. Did our product or service deliver the results you were hoping for?

Business Survey Questions For Product Feedback

What exactly do your customers think about your product?

Find out with product feedback business survey questions. This feedback allows you to identify strengths and weaknesses, guiding product improvements to better meet customer needs. By continuously acting on feedback, you drive innovation, enhance satisfaction, and foster customer loyalty. 

Here are the product feedback questions examples to include in your business survey: 

    1. How often do you use our product/service?
    2. What features of the product do you find most valuable?
      (Select all that apply)

      1. Durability
      2. Design
      3. Functionality
      4. Price
      5. Customer Support
    3. What made you choose our product over others?
    4. How would you rate the quality of our product [name]?
    5. What do you think of the pricing of our product/service?
    6. What could we do to enhance the product/service?
    7. How would you rate the product’s price relative to its quality and features? [Excellent to Poor]
    8. Which feature of your recently purchased product do you use the most?
    9. Would you like to see any new features in our product/service?

Business Survey Questions For Employee Feedback

75% of employees who receive feedback feel that it is incredibly important to their work. This is where gathering employee feedback comes in. These business survey questions gather insights from staff regarding their experiences, satisfaction, and engagement within the organization. 

Using this feedback helps identify areas for improvement, fosters a positive workplace culture, enhances employee experience, and satisfaction, and ultimately drives productivity and retention.

Here are the employee feedback questions to enhance your employee’s experience: 

  1. How satisfied are you with your job?
  2. How well do you understand the company’s goals and vision?
  3. How would you rate communication within the company?
  4. How would you describe the company culture?
  5. Do you feel you have opportunities to grow in the company?
  6. How can we make your job more fulfilling?
  7. Do you have all the tools and resources you need to succeed?
  8. What changes would you like to see in the workplace?
  9. How would you rate your work-life balance?

Business Survey Questions For Market Research

Market research questions collect valuable data from consumers about their preferences, behaviors, and opinions regarding products or services. This helps businesses understand market trends, identify customer needs, and make informed decisions to enhance product offerings and marketing strategies.

Here are some market research questions:

  1. What factors influence your purchasing decisions?
  2. How do you typically learn about new products/services?
  3. What other products/services do you currently use?
  4. How do you decide between competing products/services?
  5. What trends do you see impacting your industry?
  6. What’s the most important feature you look for in a product/service?
  7. How important is pricing when making a purchase?
  8. How often do you purchase products/services in our industry?
  9. What’s the biggest challenge you face with products/services like ours?

Survey Questions For Business Improvement

Gather feedback from employees, customers, and stakeholders to identify business improvement areas. This insight allows you to address inefficiencies, streamline processes, and foster a culture of continuous improvement. 

Here are the questions to ask to improve your business:

  1. What suggestions do you have for improving our business?
  2. How can we improve your experience as a customer/employee?
  3. What’s the main reason you continue doing business with us?
  4. What is your favorite feature of our product/service [name]?
  5. What is one change we could make to improve your overall experience?
  6. What factors influenced your decision to choose our product [name]?
  7. What is one additional service you wish we offered?
  8. How clear and helpful do you find our product documentation?
  9. How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?

With these survey questions, you can improve customer satisfaction, product quality, and overall business performance.


To truly understand what your customers and employees want, business survey questions are essential. They help you gather valuable insights that improve your products and services, leading to greater customer loyalty and business growth. By asking the right questions, you can pinpoint areas of strength and weakness, enabling you to make informed decisions that boost overall performance.

Also, well-designed surveys engage your audience, encouraging them to share their thoughts and experiences. This feedback not only builds a sense of community but also shows that you value their opinions. And with SurveySensum, you can create effective surveys and analyze feedback quickly using advanced AI text analytics.

Manisha Khandelwal

Senior Content Marketer at SurveySensum

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